Transform your telehealth sessions with children and teens.
Make your sessions effortless and engaging
100% HIPAA Compliant
Trusted by 1,500+ practices
In-person quality, remote convenience.
Reduce session prep
Find and use therapy resources in one place
Teleo’s Activity Bank contains hundreds of interventions, categorized by approach, age, topic and type
Activity bank
Virtual room
Video conferencing
Collaborate seamlessly
Never share screens again.
Make sessions interactive with two-way collaboration on all interventions
Two way mirroring
Personalize for each client
Meet clients where they are
Customize rooms to clients’ presentation and interests. Save and retrieve progress before your next session.
Edit rooms
Saved rooms
Talk mode
Talk therapy for older clients
Easily move between activity- and talk-based interventions with room and talk mode
Client focus
Video expansion
Teleo transforms your telehealth sessions
Of therapists say Teleo improves engagement
Of therapists say Teleo improves outcomes
Of therapists would recommend Teleo
Improve attendance
58% of clients said Teleo makes them more excited to attend their next session
0% said Zoom makes them more excited.
Improve your
Improve your practice.
In an IRB-approved study, 58% of clients ages 8-16 said Teleo makes them more excited to attend their next session.
0% said the control platform (Zoom, Doxy, SimplePractice) made them more likely to attend.
86% of therapists say Teleo improves engagement, which research shows reduces cancellations [1], treatment dropout [2], and provider attrition [3].
[1] Sezgin, et al., 2021[3] Farber, 1983
Reduce session prep time by up to 95% - on average clinicians spend 18 minutes preparing for sessions [4]. With Teleo, you never search for resources again and retrieve your client’s saved room seconds before your session.
[4] Teleo clinician pre-use survey (n = 25)
86% of therapists say Teleo improves engagement - which research shows improves outcomes for anxiety [5], depression [6], and SUDs [7]
43% of clinicians report Teleo directly improves outcomes.
[6] Al-Kubaisy, 1992
100% HIPAA Compliant
We fully comply with HIPAA to keep your clients and practice safe
Our BAA transfers our compliance to your practice
Teleo sessions model therapy in-person
Teleo engages children and adolescents therapeutically
Both clients and therapists can work on the same activity
Clients can explore and choose activities in the virtual room as they would in-person
Rooms can be customized and saved for each unique client
Teleo provides a single, contained and controllable environment for therapy
No more sharing screens or managing technology in-session